Livin' the Pelican Dream at John's Pass |
The crazy busy-ness of
John's Pass makes for the best people -- and bird -- watching. We've become self styled experts at judging the relative size of pelicans, and the birds at John's Pass are among the plumpest and strongest. Free handouts from tourist fishing boats and plenty of fish under docks keep the food supply coming, I guess.
Sculley's for Lunch |
Marilyn has been treating us to lunch every day, this time at
Sculley's. The food: burger for Bob, conch fritters for Marilyn, and shrimp spring rolls for me. I think Marilyn's conch fritters were the best, but I enjoyed my shrimp too, and I especially liked the two large glasses of red sangria.
We went to 4:00 o'clock Mass at
St. John Vianney (very humorous retired priest from Buffalo, NY) and settled down for a quiet evening.
We caught a Saturday night sunset on the beach near Tradewinds and called it a night soon after.