I wore my Sports Illustrated freebie Vikings jacket yesterday by the pool, while we waited for our condo to be ready. It was no heat wave but we were happy to have a beer (fresh from Norman's Liquors) in the gazebo area. Make that two beers.
We got our keys shortly after two. Same layout as last year's, two floors higher, with more panoramic view. The kitchen is better equipped and Bob is happy with the TVs. He's already referring to the second bedroom and bathroom as "Marilyn's", in anticipation of my sister's visit on Wednesday.
Shopped at Publix for a picnic supper (fresh gulf shrimp, roast beef, horseradish cheese, salads-Greek, chicken, fruit). By 7:30 I was fading fast so I headed to the pool, where I was the lone occupant for the rest of the evening, except for a couple of brief dips by kids in the hot tub.