Saturday, March 9, 2013

We're Off!

For the first time ever, I had the foresight to take Friday off but, of course, I didn't have enough common sense to decompress a little before leaving on vacation. I have slept very little in the last week and was up at 4:00 a.m. nearly every day, so by noon or so I felt a little weary and doubled up on physical work to stay awake. Yesterday's activities included many loads of laundry and washing the kitchen floor and by 10 p.m. I was exhausted. Slept quite soundly until Chris let himself in around 1:00 a.m. - back from Wyoming after he and Scott drove for over 18 hours, alternating drivers with every tank of gas. I managed to sleep fitfully until 4:00 a.m. Chris drove us to the airport at 5:00, through the pouring rain. The alley was a sheet of ice but the rest of the ride to MSP was uneventful.